Presenting: Protecting Your Amazon Income: Avoiding Suspensions; Getting Accounts & Listing Back if Suspended
CJ is the founding partner of the only full-service, international law firm focused on Amazon Sellers.
Every day Private Label Sellers’ brands and products are protected from hijackers by CJ’s firm in New York. Rosenbaum Famularo, P.C., the law firm behind, protects Private Label Sellers through creative and innovative application of legal tools including warranties, licenses, copyrighted material, trademarks and patents. Rosenbaum Famularo, P.C. efficiently uses technology to monitor brands and listings, to send effective Cease & Desist communications, asserts complaints and also has the capability to use arbitrations and the courts to protect Private Label Sellers from hijackers. CJ started the firm so that Amazon Sellers have someone to turn to for help. While all of the firm’s work product is generated in their New York office by college educated paralegals and their team of lawyers, they have full time staff to help Private Label Sellers in Shenzhen, China, Yiwu & Hongzhou, China and in Europe. CJ has been practicing law for over 20 years, authored three books for Sellers and anticipates having his latest book available for free for all attendees at European Seller Conference: Intellectual Property Law for Private Label Sellers.